Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Happy life]2020-08-20 23:00:05
Sub health conditioning, moxibustion experience record in recent one month I`m very busy today. I lie down after washing. It`s already 10:30, so there is no moxibustion today. Let`s take a look at the app and find that it hasn`t been shared for another month. Here is a brief introduction of Moxibustion in this month. From July 2>>>>word number254
[Happy life]2020-07-19 16:05:40
Moxibustion for 4 months Let`s share the experience of moxibustion for 4 months. Moxibustion lasts for 2-3 hours every day, mainly to improve some sub-health symptoms. 1. The nose is dry, painful, blocked, and the nasal cavity is dry and hot; 2. The heart and mouth are cold and u>>>>word number2420
[Happy life]2020-06-19 14:56:11
Experience of moxibustion with coke for 25 days Cold stomach, dry rhinitis, dysmenorrhea, hair loss, dandruff, gingival bleeding. With coke and moxa sticks, I have gained a lot. Therefore, whenever I have time, I think about moxibustion, without supervision at all, because I want to meet better myself.>>>>word number620