Severe depression, anxiety and insomnia, just cure at home

[Simplicity is beauty]2020-11-16 13:17:07
The symptoms of anxiety and depression are much better, and the symptoms of fear and fear have long been gone It has been moxibustion for four months, and there are many times when moxibustion stops. The symptoms of anxiety and depression before moxibustion are obviously better than those before moxibustion. The symptoms of fear and fear have been gone for a long>>>>word number134
[Simplicity is beauty]2020-07-01 14:02:15
The 20th day of moxibustion for severe anxiety disorder Moxibustion on on the 20th day, I would like to go back to bed from the tenth day of anxiety. From that day on, it seems that unconsciously there is no such situation, even if there is also inadvertently passed. Sleep at night is better, as long as you sl>>>>word number281
[Simplicity is beauty]2020-06-03 05:34:16
Insomnia and dreaminess all night, depression, anxiety, rapid heart rate, vaporization moxibustion for 2 months Because of his poor health, he left his job in November, and went home because of many physical problems. He kept running to the hospital for acupuncture and moxibustion. He had insomnia at night, thinking about everything. He often dreamed that someone w>>>>word number1020