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[Flowers bloom on the street]2020-06-12 05:16:21
Moxibustion for two months Now the stomach becomes very sensitive, as long as moxibustion immediately gurgles, this period of time is not as hungry as a few days ago. In the past, the left chest will hurt. Now, if you feel itchy, you should be getting better. Continue moxibustion>>>>word number72
[Flowers bloom on the street]2020-05-30 11:46:39
Upper hot and lower cold, afraid of cold ~ vaporization moxibustion for more than 50 days I am 40 years old. I have been burping for 18 years. There are about 20-30 burps every day, which is still very loud. My stool is OK, but I can`t finish pulling. My fart is almost gone. I have gastroesophageal reflux. I spit a lot of white phlegm. I have >>>>word number159